About the RIDDLE

The RIDDLE is an outdoor experience for everyone aged 12 and over.

designed to be enjoyed using your smartphone or tablet. 

The experience is FREE.

There is no live performance. Enjoy it at your own pace, and start at anytime you like. 

There are no prizes. It’s all just for FUN!

You will need:

  • A device with data, web browser & camera. This could be a phone or tablet

  • The ability to scan a QR code on your phone or Tablet 

  • A willingness to move your body

  • About 60 minutes in total

We recommend experiencing The RIDDLE in the daytime.

You can use our Spotify playlist to add to the mood as you explore, or maybe create your own soundtrack.


You know your own body and limitations, so only do what feels right and comfortable for you. 

let’s Get started


Go look for six QR codes

Use your smartphone camera to scan the QR code

Each QR is on a poster with a picture of Pæn and helpful instructions.

Find each QR codes by using the map above or use the 3 words on https://what3words.com (available also for download at your app store).


Solve the six riddles

Play the video. Solve the riddle. Dance Pæn’s moves

Each QR code will take you to a challenge page with a video and riddle for you to solve. Audio described and closed caption options are available.

Find the word.

Then copy or adapt what Pæn does for yourself. Watch till the end of the video for a helpful tutorial. 


Collected all six riddles? Brilliant. Now for your final challenge.

Make the final word. Dance with Pæn. post your own dance to #TheRiddleExperience

Once you’ve solved all six riddles jump to the final challenge.

Place each word correctly into the grid and spell out Pæn’s final answer.

Then enter the word, all in lowercase, to access the final video from Pæn.

Join in with Pæn.

Make your own and add it to our growing community at #TheRiddleExperience.


 Spread the word

You can share your thoughts, playlists, and post your own videos on social media using the hashtag
